Sunday, December 14, 2008


Sometimes in this journey - we have many bumps and bruises... Beginning the Basketball season, Kodie was know by ALL the high school coaches. She was averaging 17-18 pts a game and about 13-14 rebounds and having the best season yet, but then on Friday night, December 5th, Kodie played basketball with CCA against Hollywood Christian School. Just before halftime ~ Kodie went down screaming... now after a long week of doctor visits and some intense therapy, Kodie has a torn ACL and her meniscus has flipped. We are blessed - we have one of the Miami Dolphin doctors who specializes in knees taking care of her. She is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday, December 16th. Please remember to pray for her - she will be out for the rest of the season and has a hard road ahead to be prepared for next year's season. I know my daughter can do it! Just yesterday, she wants to make sure that she takes this "bad" and finds the good in it! #33 may be on the sidelines for the rest of this season - but she will be back stronger and better for next season...God is always in control of our lives and He has the best for us!!!

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