Friday, September 19, 2008

Today... September 19th

Today - a year ago - My mom met Jesus! Now I know she is a whole lot better off than us, but I sure would have kept her here on earth longer (yes I am very selfish). But at the same time that my mom met Jesus - a new precious life was born. I was so privileged to know this precious life - it is Ryan Higdon.

At the same time that my mom went home to Heaven, Ryan was born. It's pretty neat to see a life go to heaven and one born into this life. Ryan is born into the family of one of our Pastors, Jeremy and Jeanine. (I will always remember Ryan's birthday). I pray that mom's spirit will live on within all of us - the giving, servant's heart that she had. I am so privileged to have her as my mom. Thanks mom for this life that you gave me and raised me! If I can only be 1/2 the woman she was...

As I was looking for pictures, I realized she was in heaven with two of her dear friends... MaryAnn (she was so special to mom) and Frank (was her neighbor for over 50 years)... enjoy a couple of their pictures.


Mary Ann, Carrie Ann (her daughter) and Brim (her husband)

Today we had breakfast at my mom's favorite restaurant! CRACKER BARREL... and took flowers to the cemetary.

Thanks for reminiscing over my mom this past week. This was a very hard week - but just another part of the journey that Christ has me traveling...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

World's Best Mom!

I was so blessed to have had the World's Best Mom! There was nothing she could not do - except live longer... enjoy some memories as I post more pictures....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let's remember some more of Mom...

Mom was the best! She was a real servant. She always put others before herself. My mother was a fighter - she fought to the bitter end! She loved life! I know that she is continuing her full and complete life at the feet of Jesus!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Remembering my Mom

I can't believe that this week will be one year since my mom passed away. It still hurts! I thought it would get easier ~ but it hasn't. There are so many things that have happened this year that I just miss picking up the phone and talking with her. The one thing I would share with you on this journey - is to enjoy the precious moments with your mom! That is the one thing that no one can take away - are your memories! and I have a lot of them and I cherish all of them... Enjoy the pictures as I find them this week!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9~11 Where were you?

As I contemplate back 7 years - where was I? what was I doing? how did I feel about American? how safe did I feel living here in the United States? It makes me realize how grateful I am to be an American, how privileged I am to live in the US, and how blessed I am to be a Christian. I pray for those individuals who lost loved ones on 9-11. It may be 7 years, but the heart never heals completely from the loss of your loved one. Thank you God for the assurance of eternal life in heaven with you and our loved ones!

Dodged another storm...

For the last couple of weeks, we seem to be putting shutters up ~ take shutters down! We have been blessed that these storms have only been a nuisance. Our prayer is for the islands - they need our help. Ask yourself what you can do? How can you help? This very well could be us and we could need the help. What would you want or need? This journey again is taking us down a road with small potholes - an inconvenience - but again we must reflect on the goodness of God and find the best out of everything. We also pray for our friends and loved ones in Texas that are preparing for Ike. Keep praying!