Monday, August 11, 2008

A Curve in the Road on this Journey!

Today is Monday, August 11th! Another bittersweet day in this journey. A dear friend and her husband have been unanimously voted as the new pastor of my home church, where I grew up, graduated from high school, was married and made a lot of my life long friends. But as this journey unraveled and God moved this man into this position, if left me at this time without a job. I know that God has His hand upon this, for I saw the writing on the wall that God was calling Dennis and Faithe DaCosta to First Baptist of West Hollywood and I truly am excited for both of them. But at this time, I am waiting now for God to show me the rest of the story. Where does He want me to minister? Where does He want me to work? What does God want to do with my life? I am asking a lot of questions at this time? My husband is tossing out many opportunities... My kids are asking a lot of questions right now? Where will this journey take all of us? This does make one stop and ponder over the things that God has for you - it makes you search scriptures and spend a lot of time in prayer (not only for others - but also for yourself at this time). I know this is a curve and not a cliff - God always takes care of those that are His children...

1 comment:

oyer said...

Wow,I was so excited for Dennis and Faithe that i did not even think of you being without a job. But I know God will provide and usually it is a ministry opotunity that you never thought or dream of ;o)
Please know you guys are in our prayers. lyl,Lisa