Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Community Group...

I love community group... I have the privilege of leading a single mom's community group in our Oasis Church. God called me about 3 years ago to start this group within our church. I have realized that the journey in our life does not always turn out like we want... As you will see in these pictures, God led one young lady, Kodie, to use her small community group from CCA to bless the life of one of Oasis' single mom's with a baby shower. When Salustria joined our group, she felt so alone and no where to turn and 7 months pregnant. Today, Salustria is at "home" within our community group. Our "mom's" have opened up their arms and welcomed her into our group... giving Salustria the love of Jesus. They truly are the arms of Jesus. They truly know what it means to share the love of Jesus. Even when they have nothing - they find it to share with another single mom who is down on her luck and looking for her way. Who are we to pick up that stone and judge when Jesus could do the same with each of us - but does not... Jesus loves us in spite of our mistakes and failures. God is awesome! Thanks for community groups...


oyer said...

Debbie, this is awesome! keep up the good work!!

Anonymous said...

love this story. you are awesome and what a great group. im so proud of you and all of your group.
i would love to share this story on my blog? is it ok? jenn /pat need this to share on the community page on our site if its ok, with the girl involved in your post. God bless you guys.

Anonymous said...

opps, you know who this is but just for the record. Its guy